First Round Fast Track FAQs

Matching seasoned startup leaders with early-stage founders and team members in a unique mentorship community.


What is the selection process for Fast Track Mentors and Mentees?

Becoming a First Round Mentor or Mentee is by application only.

Do Mentors need a certain level of experience to apply?

You should have significant experience as an operating leader, founder, or executive. We are seeking folks across a diverse range of industries and roles — design, engineering, customer success, sales, HR, product marketing, etc. Most of our Mentors have 8+ years of experience — but we make exceptions for people with an uncanny ability to coach and wisdom beyond their years.

Who should apply to become a Fast Track Mentor?

We're seeking the best founders and operators at both early- and late-stage tech companies looking to work side-by-side and share their experiences with their Mentee. We're specifically seeking women, underrepresented minorities, and people who have had unconventional paths to tech.

Interested in Mentoring?

sign up for updates on our next cohort